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Welcome to NURETH-21

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It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the 21st International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-21), August 31 - September 5, 2025, in the city of Busan, which is the second largest city in Korea and the world’s fifth busiest port.

Since the first meeting in 1980, the NURETH Conference series has staged the largest international technical meetings in nuclear thermal hydraulics and safety, providing forums to present and discuss the advancements in R&D and applications of art, science, and technology. The NURETH-21 is organized by the Thermal Hydraulics Division of the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) in close cooperation with ANS, ENS, CNS and AESJ, and many other co-sponsoring organizations around the world.

Drawing on the outstanding experiences of the successful organization and operation of two flagship topical meetings previously held in Korea, NURETH-10 (Seoul, 2003) and NUTHOS-11 (Gyeongju, 2016) among others, we are looking forward to continuing and further expanding the long and successful tradition of NURETH Conference series in the early fall of 2025.

The theme of the Conference is “Innovation in Thermal Hydraulics for Nuclear Future” and the program will feature a full spectrum of activities designed to appeal to all participants, from students to early career professionals as well as senior leaders. The program will also include optional technical tours and a diverse cultural program to offer uncommon and exciting opportunities to both participants and their accompanying persons.


I would like to sincerely encourage colleagues and friends from all over the world to actively participate by attending the Conference, submitting and presenting papers, volunteering to organize sessions, and supporting the peer-review of the papers

I firmly believe that all participants will find the Conference very productive professionally and enjoyable personally with plentiful cultural experiences on the breathtakingly scenic world-famous seashore of Busan.

With warmest regards,

Chul-Hwa SONG, Ph.D.

NURETH-21 General Chair


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