Plenary 1
Date: September 1 (Mon), 2025
Time: 09:20-10:40
Venue: Grand Ball Room 301 (3F)
Speakers: TBA
Last Name Alphabetical Order

Toyoshi Fuketa
Former Commissioner
Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)
Short Biography
Field of Interest or Research

Véronique Rouyer
Head of Division of Nuclear Safety Technology and Regulation
Nuclear Energy Agency
Short Biography
Field of Interest or Research

Short Biography
Field of Interest or Research
Plenary 2
Date: September 1 (Mon), 2025
Time: 10:50-12:10
Venue: Grand Ball Room 301 (3F)
Last Name Alphabetical Order

Nam Dinh
North Carolina State University
United States
Short Biography
Field of Interest or Research

Kyun-Tae Kim
Korea, Republic of
Short Biography
Field of Interest or Research

Andreas Schaffrath
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH
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Last Name Alphabetical Order

Stephen Bajorek
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
United States
Short Biography
Field of Interest or Research

Yunje Cho
Korea Atomic Enegy Research Institute
Korea, Republic of
Short Biography
Field of Interest or Research

Fission Products Scrubbing in Water Ponds during Severe Accidents:
An Efficient Means of Attenuating Source Term
Luis E. Herranz
Head of the Unit of Nuclear Safety
Nuclear Fission
Centre of Research for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT)
Short Biography
Ph.D. from the Polytechnique University of Madrid (UPM) in 1996.
Research Professor since 2015, he has been leading the Unit for Nuclear Safety Research for more than 20 years. As a result of his research in national and international projects, he has published more than 150 papers in refereed journals in the areas of Severe Accidents, Nuclear Fuel Thermo-mechanics, Thermal-hydraulics of Passive Safety Systems and Power Cycles in Nuclear Technology. He has been the technical coordinator of some recent EURATOM projects in the area of nuclear safety.
He is currently the leader of the Technical Area 2 (Severe Accidents) of SNETP/NUGENIA and was the Chair of the WGAMA (Working Group of Analysis and Management of Accidents) of OECD/NEA between 2016 and 2021. At present, he is member of: the Advisory Board of WGAMA, the Working Group on Fuel Safety (WGFS), and the Expert Group of Small Modular Reactors (EGSMR).
With a strong committed to teaching and training, he lectures regularly in national and international graduate and post-graduate courses.
Field of Interest or Research
Severe Accidents
Fuel Thermo-mechanics (in-reactor and in dry-storage casks) under Transient & Accident Conditions
Safety of Advanced Reactor Designs (water-cooled and non-water cooled)
Power Cycles for HTGRs

Eung Soo Kim
Seoul National University
Korea, Republic of
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Hideo Nakamura
Technical Associate
Nuclear Safety Research and Emergency Preparedness Institute
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Short Biography
Dr. Hideo NAKAMURA joined former JAERI in 1981 to work for the ROSA (Rig-of-Safety Assessment) program to study thermal-hydraulic (T/H) response during DBAs and BDBAs for both BWR and PWR simulating with large-scale experiments under reactor prototypical conditions. In 2001, he started to lead the research as a head of T/H Safety Research Group for both SAs and BDBAs.
In 2005, he started the OECD/NEA ROSA and ROSA-2 Projects with LSTF experiments, as the director of operating agent. After 2011, he supported the Fukushima-Daiichi Accident clarification tasks, while continuing fundamental work to assure safety assessment code reliability, including the scaling SOAR and core exit temperature subject for the NEA WGAMA.
Since 2015, he took a role of an executive editor of Nuclear Engineering and Technology (NET) for 6 years. Currently, he works for the WGAMA as its chair.
Field of Interest or Research
Thermal-Hydraulic & Severe Accident Safety Research for LWRs
- Multi-phase flows, heat transfer and measurement/instrumentation (DBA to SA)
- Integral & separate-effect tests at reactor prototypical conditions
- Phenomena scaling in reactor safety analyses
- Computer code development, verification and validation (V&V)
- Uncertainty quantification of reactor safety assessment by computer codes
Preparedness for Nuclear Emergencies (Reactor Accidents)
Engineering Ethics & Organizational Culture for Safety (Safety Culture)

Victor Petrov
Lead Research Scientist
Center for Nuclear Engineering and Sciences
Short Biography
Dr. Victor Petrov holds a Ph.D. in Engineering (Systems Analysis) from the Institute of Engineering Physics, Moscow, Russia. He also earned two master’s degrees from Bauman Moscow State Technical University: in Forensic Science, which concerned CFD modeling and investigation of fires and explosions, and in Nuclear Engineering, which concerned the application of CFD modeling for nuclear power plant optimization.
Dr. Petrov is currently a tenured lead research scientist at the Center for Nuclear Engineering and Sciences PSI Switzerland, ECMF lab Co-director at ETH Zurich, and remains affiliated with Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan.
His prior experience includes various scientific and engineering positions in Russia. Recognized internationally, he has received multiple awards for his thermal hydraulics and reactor safety work.
Field of Interest or Research
Victor Petrov’s research is centered on advancing nuclear engineering through cutting-edge experimental research, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and multi-physics simulations. He is particularly focused on the safety, performance, and optimization of light water, gas-cooled, and liquid metal-cooled reactors.
His expertise includes developing innovative measurement techniques, such as radiation-based, laser-based, and fluid property-based methods, to study single-phase and multi-phase flow dynamics with high precision. Petrov's work addresses critical phenomena like turbulence-induced thermal fatigue, buoyancy-driven turbulence, hydride formation, and CRUD deposition, providing vital insights for the validation of CFD models and reactor design improvements.
Additionally, he contributes to the advancement of compact reactor technologies, such as heat pipe microreactors, by investigating failure mechanisms and enhancing high-fidelity experimental databases. His multidisciplinary approach aims to solve pressing challenges in nuclear technology and to drive innovation in reactor safety and efficiency.

Guanghui Su
Xi'an Jiaotong University
China, People's Republic of
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Field of Interest or Research

Heavy Liquid Metal Pool Thermal Hydraulic Experiments and Simulations
Katrien Van Tichelen
Safety Engineer
Belgian Reactor 2 (BR2)
Short Biography
In April 2024, Katrien Van Tichelen joined the BR2 Institute at SCK CEN, the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, where she is currently working as safety engineer and training to become vice-reactor manager for BR2.
Before that, Katrien was leading the research activities on liquid metal thermal hydraulics and component technology at SCK CEN. She joined the Liquid Metal Technology R&D team at SCK CEN after obtaining a master’s degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Leuven in 1998. In 2000, she completed her master in nuclear engineering.
Katrien is also lecturer on nuclear thermal hydraulics at the SCK CEN Academy and editor of the Elsevier Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design.
Field of Interest or Research
Safety Analysis of Research Reactors
Liquid Metal Thermal Hydraulics: Experiments and Simulations

Flow-Induced Vibration Simulations of Key Nuclear Reactor Components
Kevin Zwijsen
Research Consultant
The Netherlands
Short Biography
Kevin Zwijsen is a research consultant at NRG PALLAS in The Netherlands. He obtained his BSc and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology, specializing in fundamental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and heat transfer. He then worked on a PhD at McGill University in Montréal, Canada, in the department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, studying the “Effects of Turbulence on Droplet Growth in Clouds”. He has been in his present position since 2016, being part of the Reactor Analysis & operational Support (RAS) team at NRG. His research interests are Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI), which focuses on the interaction between the coolant and structural components of a nuclear power plant, Multi-Scale Simulations, which involves the coupling of CFD and System Thermal Hydraulics (STH) codes, and Reactor Pool Modeling of Fast Reactors, studying the thermal hydraulic behavior of the coolant in the full primary system of the reactor.
Field of Interest or Research
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Multi-Scale Simulations
Pool Thermal Hydraulics